Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Back to reality

Everyone's on a holiday hangover and is back to reality.

What's my reality?

I think I need to be more honest with myself.

In other news, my wrist injury is much better now and I am hoping to go back to Ashtanga this Friday. Yesterday I had an excellent Bikram practice and although I know yoga is all about self and finding peace with yourself, nothing beats hearing praise and compliments from your teacher as you move from one asana to the next.

I will have to go to another Bikram class tomorrow. Can't risk my wrist just yet by joining Ms Ann's Vinyasa class.

Find your center, find your center.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

And so it is

The song keeps playing in my head. Like it means something.

It is a new year now, and I do wish for a new one.

My 2009 was not as bad as it was for others. Perhaps because my family and I were spared of Ondoy's wrath. Well. Was Ondoy even angry? From what I heard, Ondoy came in a steady non-threatening way.

The worst things always come when you least expect them.

On the other hand, so do the best ones.

I do feel like I am on the brink of something exciting. I simply cannot wait. I am restless so very very restless and I am yearning for that something (or someone?) to anchor me.

I feel like a Jackson Pollack masterpiece. A beautiful mess.